7 Days Fast 5784

7 Days Fast 5784

When you have two Adars in an Israeli Calendar it is a sign of an extended special year and is sometimes referred to as a leap year for Israel. This particular year that ends with a number 4 (5784) is seen as a year of doors – the doors of heaven opening to fulfil divine calendars. And a leap year!

I hear a command that on this first Adar which falls on 10th February, we should enter into a covenant fast for Yahweh to graft and hide us and make us fulfill the deep that this calendar carries for the glory of Zion.

Attached is the Prayer Guide kindly click on it to download it. Shalom and God bless you.

[gview file=”http://throneroomtrustministry.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/SEVEN-DAY-FAST-5784.pdf”]